Conservative Friends Who Are Unsure Which is the “Lesser Evil”:

Sarah G. Carpenter, Ph.D.
2 min readNov 3, 2020


Conservative Friends Who Are Unsure Which Is the Lesser Evil: LISTEN UP.

Despite my skepticism of the “free market” model for health care (we can talk about that some other time, if you like), I am not exactly a leftist firebrand. I voted REPUBLICAN for President in 2004 (yes, for Dubya); I voted LIBERTARIAN in 2008 AND 2012 (among other reasons, I think the two-party system is itself a major hindrance to good governance).

Last Wednesday, I VOTED FOR BIDEN — and tomorrow, so should you. ← — — original post on my Facebook at the link; Facebook’s formatting is crappy so I am breaking my argument into paragraphs below.

I don’t blame anybody for not being thrilled with Biden’s candidacy. But the hard truth is that American democracy will survive, even recover, in his hands. (For one thing, the Senate might finally take a break from groveling before the Executive branch and begin to legislate like a group of adults.)

There is only one candidate in this race who is already talking about refusing to accept the results of the election. There is only one candidate in this race who is openly advocating for states to disregard ballots cast and accepted as legitimate under those states’ existing laws. There is only one candidate who has said “Thank you very much, Supreme Court” in reference to a case not even brought yet, and to be decided by justices appointed by the candidate himself and confirmed by members of his own party. That candidate is Donald Trump, and at this moment he represents a danger to whatever integrity our ideals and our institutions may have left.

Tomorrow, when you go to the polls — and you MUST go to the polls — you must cast your ballot for Joe Biden, because you must cast your ballot for the rule of law over the rule that “might makes right.” And then, if you truly hold to your principles and you think Biden’s policies threaten them, you must work to achieve better representation and improved legislation where the people have the greatest power: through the Legislative branch. The restoration of the three SEPARATE branches of government must be our shared goal.

You are not alone in this; conservative leaders like Joe Walsh and Justin Amash have already shown the way. It is on you to follow them. It is on all of us to forge a better path for those who come behind.

#election2020 #IVoted2020 #JoeBiden2020 #RepublicansForBiden



Sarah G. Carpenter, Ph.D.

Dissertation: With/In Limits: Play as Practice in the Digital Vernacular (2020) //